- Mar 6, 2019
- 7 min
Two Month Update: I Went Blind (and then regained my vision)
Symptoms Dry eyes in the morning Trouble focusing up close, and headaches when I do try Feeling of an eyelash in my eye, which escalated...
- Mar 5, 2019
- 4 min
One Month Update: The Prescription Eye Drop Refill Drama
Symptoms Dry eyes in the morning Left eye seems to have some haziness still, but the right eye is almost perfect. Starburst around lights...
- Feb 27, 2019
- 3 min
Week 2: Slow and Steady Improvement
Symptoms Big improvements in my vision by the end of the second week. Very dry eyes in the morning and also occasionally throughout the...
- Feb 22, 2019
- 2 min
Day 7: One Week Checkup
Symptoms Dry eyes in the morning Some light sensitivity Improving, but still blurry vision I was beyond excited for my one week checkup...
- Feb 4, 2019
- 2 min
Day 4, 5, & 6: Going Outside...
Symptoms Eye pain has mostly subsided Using lubricating tear drops much more as the reduction in tearing has transitioned to dry eyes...
- Feb 1, 2019
- 1 min
Day 3: The Worst is Behind Me (I hope)
Symptoms Pinprick feeling in my eyes is still there but less pronounced that the day before Some significant tearing, but less than the...
- Jan 31, 2019
- 2 min
Day 2: So Much Pain!
Symptoms Constant feeling of pin pricks in my eyes. Extreme light sensitivity. Don't want to open my eyes. Its easier to take pain pills...
- Jan 30, 2019
- 2 min
Day 1: The Morning After
Symptoms Extreme light sensitivity. Hard to look at my phone, the TV, or have the window shades open. Groggy from all the pain pills...